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Van den Broeck, A., Van Coillie, H., Forest, J., & Mueller, M. (2024). The ABC of work motivation. How to energize any organization. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Forest, J., Gradito Dubord, M.-A., Olafsen, A. H. & Carpentier, J. (2023). Shaping tomorrow’s workplace by integrating self-determination theory: A literature review and recommendations. Handbook of Self-Determination Theory (pp. 875-900).
Gagné, M., Forest, J., Vansteenkiste, M., Crevier-Braud, L., Van den Broeck, A., Aspeli, A. K., Bellerose, J., Benabou, C., Chemolli, E., Güntert, S. T., Halvari, H., Johnson, P., Indiyastuti, D. L., Molstad, M., Naudin, M., Ndao, A., Olafsen, A. H., Roussel, P., Wang, Z., Westbye, C. (2015). The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven Languages and nine countries. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, 178-196. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2013.877892
Gradito Dubord, M.-A., & Forest, J. (2022). Focussing on strengths or weaknesses? Using self-determination theory to explain why a strengths-based approach has more impact on optimal functioning than deficit correction. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8(1), 87-113.
Thibault Landry, A. Forest, J., Zigarmi, D., Houson, D., & Boucher, É. (2017). The carrot or the stick? Investigating the subjective meaning of cash rewards and their motivational power according to Self-Determination Theory. Compensation and Benefits Review, 49(1), 9-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886368717750904
Forest, J., Mageau, G. A., Crevier-Braud, L., Dubreuil, P., Bergeron, E., & Lavigne, G. L. (2012). Harmonious passion as a mediator of the relation between signature strengths’ use and optimal functioning at work: Test of an intervention program. Human Relations, 65, 1233-1252.
Jacques Forest
Jacques Forest, psychologist and CHRP, is a full professor at ESG UQAM. Over the past 17 years, he has published 69 scientific articles and 20 book chapters, in addition to having given 269 media presentations and more than 656 workshops in organizations, in 11 different countries. He is the co-author of the book “The ABC of work motivation. How to energize any organization”, published at Amsterdam University Press. His research uses self-determination theory to explore how it is possible to reconcile performance and well-being in a sustainable way.
Member of the Québec order of registered psychologist
Member of the Québec order of Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)
He has authored 27 lay-public articles.
Eventech Schedule
Keynotes & Conferences
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Between 30 and 90 minutes
To achieve their business objectives, organizations need to have motivated employees. It is therefore important that employees are sufficiently motivated (quantity of energy) but, above all, driven by good motivation (quality of the energy invested). The goal of this training will be to understand what motivation at work is, to know how to stimulate the most adaptive forms of motivation and to demystify certain preconceived ideas about motivation at work.
This activity is based on more than five decades of solid scientific research to help participants demystify, understand, and stimulate motivation at work according to self-determination theory.
First, we discuss the different types of work motivation and the innate and universal psychological needs that help stimulate the most adaptive forms of motivation.
Secondly, we will talk about some of the major intervention levers that can be used to stimulate the positive types of motivations, which includes justice, job design, fairness, leadership, psychological safety and money (in some circumstances) among others. According to scientific research, some target of interventions can be positive and/or negative and the presentation will help understand when and how this is the case.
Third, positive psychology will be discussed. Strengths-based management, as opposed to weakness or deficit management, is an innovative and effective way to stimulate optimal functioning at work. It is a complementary approach to current approaches to optimize performance and development of workers. What is this new approach? How can we concretely implement it in our daily lives? This is what you will discover in this training.
Key Words
Optimal functioning
Well-being / Happiness
Positive psychology
May Your Strenghts Be With You! Optimizing Performance And Well-Being By Using Your Signature Strengths
Either 90 minutes or 3 hours.
We know our weaknesses well, because we have learned to pay a lot of attention and to invest time and energy to correct them in order to increase our performance. However, do we know our strengths? Do we have the opportunity to use them daily at work? If our answer is hesitant or negative, this is perfectly normal. Some studies show that only a third of us are able to spontaneously name their strengths and only 17% believe they use them most of the time at work. This training proposes to know and optimize the use of strengths at work.
Strengths management (an abundance approach), as opposed to weaknesses managements (a deficit approach), is an innovative and effective way to simultaneously promote performance and well-being at work and in life, as research evidence suggests. This management technique is a complementary approach to current approaches to optimize the performance and development of workers. What does this new approach consist of? How can one concretely implement it in companies? You will experience the “Me at my best” training technique. This is what you will discover this training.
Key Words
Positive psychology
Well-being / happiness
Abundance / Growth mindset
3 hours
Business experts agree that, in order to meet the needs and demands of employees, companies are currently undergoing a revolution where annual appraisal is replaced by regular and personalized feedback conversations. In addition, scientific studies show that verbally expressing gratitude to employees is an even more powerful management tool for their mobilization and engagement than material or financial rewards.
However, most organizations and managers only wonder about the feedback process (e.g., what questions should be used, how often do we need to evaluate employees, when is it better to give feedback during the year, etc.), forgetting, or not knowing, that it's the quality of the feedback that matters. Beyond the processes and the amount of feedback given, research does show that it is the quality of the content and the way the feedback is communicated that has an effect. In order to attract and retain top talent, engage employees, and improve business performance, today's managers must therefore master the art of feedback and verbal recognition.
This training will introduce you to this art by teaching you the 6 specific characteristics of optimal negative feedback as well as the 4 skills to verbally demonstrate recognition in a credible and authentic way. The emphasis is on practicing, both orally and in writing, the skills learned in order to ensure that participants are able to quickly use the tools acquired.
Key Words
Change-oriented feedback
Promotion-oriented feedback
Optimal functioning
High quality motivation
Work climate and culture